Tama Exted was nominated by Michele Haggberg for the 2020 Educator of the Year.

Tama was the lead teacher when she taught 2nd grade. She helped develop a program for the first and second graders during her tenure in the elementary school. She is currently the K-12 Media Specialist/Technology Coordinator. She has made a huge impact on the school becoming a 1-1 for the 4th – 12th grade. She has alot of responsibility in keeping all the staff and students up-to-date on what apps are available, training on how to use devices and setting up all the devices.

Tama is a perfectionist in all that she does. She gives 110% to make sure her students and staff have what they need to do their job. She puts everyone ahead of herself so that everyone can move forward with their jobs. If she doesn’t have an answer immediately she will not stop until she does. Tama has been an asset to the Isle School District for many years. She is warm and welcoming to those around her. She shares great ideas so that staff can better lead and teach their students.

Tama has been the leader and mentor when it came time to move the Isle School District in to the technology world and she is helping prepare our students for their future.

Congratulations to Tama Exsted, 2020 Educator of the Year!